Cactus McCoy Wiki

A squirt gun behind the barrier in Prospector Mines.

The Squirt Gun (also called a Water Pistol, but the wiki sticks to the spelling found in-game) is a very rare shooting weapon in the Cactus McCoy series. It has only appeared in the two areas, the Prospector Mines) and the Emerald Shrine of the first game so far. In both areas, it is required for the completion of a puzzle or unlocking a hidden section of the area and to put out all the torches. It takes many shots in order to kill an Enemigo but sufficient leveling can make it a lethal joke weapon. In the second game, it is replaced by Water Balloons.


A squirt gun is a shade of lilac. When McCoy makes a shot with it, a squirt of water that somewhat resembles toothpaste comes out of the gun. This squirt goes straight from the point it has been shot from until it hits an object, then leaves the screen.

Can be found in[]

Cactus McCoy and The Curse of Thorns[]


If used in the final battle against Hex Hatfield, keep continuously shooting at him and he can't attack back (and will get hurt), unless he makes a special move or some Enemigos appear in the arena - after he's back in range fire on!

Hits it takes to kill each type of Enemigo[]

Shooting level

Scarecrow White Green Blue Red Grey Brown Yellow Purple Gatling Bazooka
1 1 150 100 150 250 150 200 150 200 250 250
2 1 14 10 14 23 14 19 14 19 23 23
3 1 8 5 8 12 8 10 8 10 12 12
4 1 5 4 5 9 5 7 5 7 9 9
5 1 4 3 4 7 4 5 4 5 7 7
6 1 3 2 3 5 3 4 3 4 5 5


  • Just like the Butterfly Net in the second game, the Squirt Gun is one of the rare weapons that are never dropped by an Enemigo in the Cactus McCoy series.
  • Unlike Fists, the water pistol has a durability bar, and a energy value calculated to be possibly around 1204, making it higher than Hex Hatfield's pistol (in the first game), the Gatling Gun and the Serpent Blade combined.